
DysMusic aims to detect if a child aged 3 to 6 years has dyslexia. This are the musical elements which are used for the first user test.

Abstract out of the paper which was submitted to W4A 2017

"Dyslexia is a reading disorder which is mostly detected by linguistic features and/or bad grades at school. Therefore, our goal is to design a game to predict the risk of having dyslexia with musical and visual elements. Hence, we present the game DysMusic which aims to predict the risk of having dyslexia with musical elements. The advantages of DysMusic are that the game is language independent and for pre-readers. DysMusic was designed with the help offive children and five parents who tested the game using the think aloud protocol and being observed while playing."

This music content must be cited with the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.809783 .

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